Idea, Inspiration,Motive,Theme, Information

Only an outcome of creative activities of the author qualifies as a copyrighted work; i.e. themes, messages, information, inspiration, procedure, principle, invention, methods, scientific theory, mathematical or similar formula, statistical graphs do not themselves qualify as copyrighted work. Copyright law only protects a specific representation of the work expressed in any objectively perceivable form (including an electronic form). Copyright law does not protect a mere idea or a theme of work.


A book (i.e. a literary work protected by copyright) describes a new method for preparing stage design; copyright to the content of the book does not preclude the use of the technique by the theatre/a reader or explaining the method to other persons (directors, actors etc.); only the very expression in the book is protected by copyright. The method itself may by protected under patent law, which is a specific field of IP law not directly related to copyright law.

Information itself is not protected by copyright; what may be protected by copyright is the way the information is organized if such a way meets the requirements for a copyright work (especially creativity, e.g. alphabetical ordering of information clearly does not qualify as creativity). Such protection is enjoyed, however, by the specific way of organizing the information, not the information itself.